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Sandford House - Real Fayetteville Haunt

  • 224 Dick Street
  • Fayetteville, NC
  • 910-438-6009
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Real Haunted Houses
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The Sandford House is a historic building in Fayetteville that is part of Heritage Square. The land is owned by The Woman's Club of Fayetteville, who also rented the Sandford House from 1941-1945 to house unmarried working women during World War II. According to legend, the hauntings began during the Civil War, where a young couple attempted to flee from the house out of fear of the approaching Union Army. The tunnel that they used, however, was blown up, and the couple's bodies were never recovered. Since then, the woman's apparation has been seen on one of the staircases in the Sandford House, leading to her being deemed "The Lady In Black." The man, meanwhile, supposedly haunts the rented out apartments and watches television with the tenents. Tenents have reported indentations on couches and unexplainable channel changes. The house is open to the public, but is used exclusively for special events and Woman's Club of Fayetteville meetings.
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  • The Sanford House Hauntings

    I just recently did an outside investigation there. I found lots of activity there, to include a 25 yr old woman who was mentally handicapped. I also spoke to a few slaves there.

    Posted 6/4/24

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    scary place is alli can say

    Posted 1/18/20

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  • Not haunted

    We went on the fore the rock station was doing it was awful and a waste of time in original history of this house it's a love story originally not a haunting. We went and nothing no vibes with two sensitive ppl to the paranormal and 1 who can see them . Nothing there .....

    Posted 10/20/19

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Contact Phone #: 910-438-6009

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Last edit to this listing: 12/18/2015 (3339 days ago)

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